University Hospital No. 1

University Hospital No. 1
The Department of Cardiology is the academic institution in undergraduate and postgraduate education in cardiovascular sciences as well as in comprehensive clinical service in Armenia.
Academic and clinical activity
The Department has diverse programs for undergraduate education, residency, fellowships and continuous medical education.
The Clinic of General and Invasive Cardiology provides treatment of variety of cardiovascular pathologies including coronary artery disease, heart failure, cardiomyopathies, arrhythmias, valvular pathologies, peripheral vascular diseases.
Comprehensive invasive and noninvasive treatment opportunities are available at clinic.
More than 1000 coronary and peripheral artery angioplasties are performed at clinic. The mortality rate in acute myocardial infarction is 5,8% which is comparable with European leading invasive cardiology institutions.
Clinic is the leading center for academic and diagnostic service in region in cardiac imaging. Annual volume of comprehensive echocardiography examinations includes more than 10 000 TTE and 300 TEE, 300 4D echocardiographies
Department research activities include
- Study of thrombus morphology, immunohistochemistry after thrombectomy during coronary angioplasty in patients with STEMI
- Heart failure patients in hospital and outpatients advanced monitoring aiming to reduce re hospitalizations and cardiovascular mortality
- Chronic heart failure treatment new modalities
- Multicenter international clinical trials
Contact person at Cardiology YSMU
Professor Hamayak Sisakian, MD, Professor, FAHA, FESC, FHFA
- Head of Clinic of General and Invasive Cardiology
- University Hospital 1
- Yerevan State Medical University, Yerevan, Armenia
Address: Koryun street 2, YSMU, Yerevan 375025, Armenia
Tel: +37410 582028,+37410 541310
Fax: +37410 541350