
Svetlana Grigoryan

Svetlana Grigoryan

Position: Professor of the Chair of Cardiology, YSMU, Faculty of Postgraduate Continuing Professional Education, after M. Heratsi, after L. Hovhannisyan Head of Arrhythmia Department of the Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology, doctor-cardiologist.
Scientific title: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.


I graduated from the school after Chekhov and got gold medal.
I graduated from YSM and got diploma of excellence.
I graduated from the postgraduate course in "Cardiology" at the Yerevan Institute of Cardiology.
I graduated with the teaching cycles in postgraduate faculties
I taught at the National Institute of Health of the RA Ministry of Health.

Work experience:

In 1972-1974 I worked at the "Ambulance" station as a doctor.
Since 1974 I have been working at the Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology, first as a cardiologist, then as a researcher, head of arrhythmia department.
1991 - For the first time in Armenia, I establish the Arrhythmia Department, which I still lead. Thousands of patients were examined and received inpatient treatment in this department. For the first time in Armenia, Holter monitoring, intraocular electrophysiological examination, and installation of a pacemaker were performed in this department.
1995-2011 – Professor of Cardiology Chair National Institute of Health named of S.Kh. Avdalbekyan.
2011 until now - Professor of Cardiology Chair of YSMU after M. Heratsy , Faculty of Postgraduate and Professional Education.
I have been the head of more than 500 clinical residents

Academic activity

1979 - I defended my PhD dissertation, receiving the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.
1989 - I defended my doctoral dissertation, receiving the scientific title of Doctor of Medical Sciences.
1994 - I received the title of professor
I am the author of 3 monographs and more than 290 scientific articles. I am the supervisor of 14 PhD s and 1doctoral theses on cardiology.
I have done research many times in International and European scientific conferences (Paris, Munich, Rome, Barcelona, Lisbon, Athens) and received medals.
In 2018 in Nice, France, I reported on the development of arrhythmology as a new branch of cardiology in Armenia. The report was published in the EHRA White Book.

Social activity

I am a professional member of the ESC of the European Society of Cardiology, a member of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), a regular member of the European Stroke Council, a regular member of the Cardiology Practice Council and the Armenian Cardiologists Association.
I founded the Association of Arrhythmologists in Armenia, of which I am still the president.
Founding member of the Armenian Association for Disease Prevention.


  • Am I awarded the Marshal Baghrmyan Medal
  • My activity is included in the "ARMENIANS" encyclopedia
  • I received the Armenia-Artsakh-Diaspora award as the best cardiologist

Personal information

I am married, I have 2 daughters:
Phone: +37491415123:
e-mail Email
