
National Assembly of Russian Cardiologists


From September 26 to 28, the National Assembly of Cardiologists was held in Saint Petersburg, Russia. At the invitation of the President of the Russian Society of Cardiology, Academician E.V. Shlyakhto, the Association of Cardiologists of Armenia, led by its President Hamlet Hayrapetyan, also participated. More than 5,000 specialists from post-Soviet and other countries took part in the assembly.

On the initiative of Academician E.V. Shlyakhto and Yu. M. Lopatin, Chairman of the Committee on International Relations of the Russian Society of Cardiology, a meeting of the heads of national associations from eight post-Soviet countries was held the day before the assembly. During this meeting, representatives from each association briefly presented their achievements, current cardiological issues, and challenges. The participants also discussed joint efforts in scientific, educational, and research programs, as well as practical opportunities and future perspectives. A joint communiqué of cooperation was signed.

During the assembly, H.G. Hayrapetyan delivered a scientific report on heart failure.